ID Professional Resources

A while back I had started keeping track of various resources that would be of use to instructional designers, and people in related fields for our online community (  Since the community is no longer maintained,  I've copied over my list of resources here.  If you have additional resources that you know of that I can add, please send me a note :)  At the moment this is just a raw dump (and expansion) of what I had on - at some point I need to clean this up, perhaps move to sub-pages


Online Learning Consortium (formerly Sloan-C) :
Brief Description: The purpose of the Sloan Consortium (Sloan-C) is to help learning organizations continually improve quality, scale, and breadth of their online programs according to their own distinctive missions, so that education will become a part of everyday life, accessible and affordable for anyone, anywhere, at any time, in a wide variety of disciplines.

International Society for Technology in Education :
Brief Description: ISTE is the premier membership association for educators and education leaders engaged in improving teaching and learning by advancing the effective use of technology in PK-12 and teacher education. Home of NETS and ISTE's annual conference and exposition (formerly NECC), ISTE represents more than 100,000 professionals worldwide.

Association for Educational Communications and Technology:
Brief Description: The Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) is a professional association of thousands of educators and others whose activities are directed toward improving instruction through technology. AECT members may be found in colleges and universities; in the Armed Forces and industry; in museums, libraries, and hospitals; in the many places where edu cational change is underway. AECT members carry out a wide range of responsibilities in the study, planning, application, and production of communications media for instruction.

Association for Development, Advancement and Productivity through Technology Training (ADAPT) :
Brief Description: ADAPT is a New England-based organization of training professionals providing a forum for the exchange of ideas, concerns, information, and resources for professionals in the field of training and information technology. Through the active participation of our volunteer members, ADAPT's goal is to become the network for information technology training professionals.

Computer Education Management Association (CEdMA):
Brief Description: CEdMA (Computer Education Managers Association) is the premier organization for training executives, managers, and professional on a management path within hardware and software companies. Through CEdMA you will gain access to the vast experience and resources provided by members who share a passion for providing high-quality training on technology products while running an efficient business unit. CEdMA includes over 150 members representing over 60 technology companies.

American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T):
Brief Description: The Society seeks to stimulate participation and interaction among its members by affording them an envirionment for substantive professional exchange. It encourages and supports personal and professional growth through opportunities for members to extend their knowledge and skills, develop and use professional networks, pursue career development goals and assume leadership roles in the Society and in the information community. ASIS&T increases the influence of information professionals among decision-makers by focusing attention on the importance of information as a vital resource in a high-technology age and promotes informed policy on national and international information issues by contributing to the formation of those policies. It supports the advancement of the state-of-the art and practice by taking a leadership position in the advocacy of research and development in basic and applied information science.

International Visual Literacy Association:
Brief Description: IVLA is a not-for-profit association of researchers, educators, designers, media specialists, and artists dedicated to the principles of visual literacy.
IVLA was formed for the purpose of providing a forum for the exchange of information related to visual literacy. We are also concerned with issues dealing with education, instruction and training in modes of visual communication and their application through the concept of visual literacy to individuals, groups, organizations, and to the public in general.
Our members represent a wide range of disciplines including the arts, sciences, education, communication, business, videography, photography, instructional technology, health, and computer applications. We invite you to join us in the lively debates of our field, and we look forward to forming lasting professional and personal friendships.

Association for Talent Development (ATD, formerly ASTD):
Brief Description:  The Association for Talent Development (ATD), formerly ASTD, is the world’s largest association dedicated to those who develop talent in organizations. These professionals help others achieve their full potential by improving their knowledge, skills, and abilities. ATD’s members come from more than 120 countries and work in public and private organizations in every industry sector. ATD supports the work of professionals locally in more than 125 chapters, international strategic partners, and global member networks.

International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI):
Brief Description:  The International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) and its members use evidence-based performance improvement research and practices to effect sustainable, measurable results, and add value to stakeholders in the private, public, and social sectors. Founded in 1962, ISPI is the leading international association dedicated to improving productivity and competence in the workplace. ISPI represents performance improvement professionals throughout the United States, Canada, and 44 other countries.

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM):
Brief Description: Founded in 1948, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world’s largest HR membership organization devoted to human resource management. Representing more than 275,000 members in over 160 countries, the Society is the leading provider of resources to serve the needs of HR professionals and advance the professional practice of human resource management. SHRM has more than 575 affiliated chapters within the United States and subsidiary offices in China, India and United Arab Emirates.

Brief Description: An organization of computer using educators that use technology to create, share and support learning and enhance the educational mission.

eLearning Guild:
Brief Description: he eLearning Guild is a member-driven online information center and Community of Practice where anyone involved in the design, development, and management of web-based educational or instructional content (e-Learning) can identify and access resources needed to ensure that their organizations' projects are successful, engage in a professional peer network, and focus on expanding their own professional skills, knowledge, and expertise.

Association for Learning Technology
Brief Description:ALT is the leading UK body bringing together practitioners, researchers, and policy makers in learning technology.
ALT was formed in 1993, and is a registered charity. Our work is supported by 6.5 permanent FTE staff, 6 of whom are based in the ALT Office in Oxford, and one of whom is home-based.
ALT aims to: represent and support our members, and provide services for them; facilitate collaboration between practitioners, researchers, and policy makers; spread good practice in the use of learning technology; raise the profile of research in learning technology; support the professionalisation of learning technologists; contribute to the development of policy.

Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
Brief Description:The Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), founded in 1981, is an international, not-for-profit, educational organization with the mission of advancing Information Technology in Education and E-Learning research, development, learning, and its practical application. AACE serves the profession with international conferences, high quality publications, leading-edge Digital Library, Career Center, and other opportunities for professional growth.

The MASIE Center
Brief Description:The MASIE Center is an international ThinkTank focused on the changing workforce and how they will learn and perform.

Professional & Organizational Development
Brief Description:  The Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education is devoted to improving teaching and learning in higher education. Founded in 1976, POD provides its members with personal and academic relationships that are essential for professional growth. Central to POD’s philosophy is lifelong, holistic, personal, and professional learning, growth, and change for the higher education community.

Association for Supervision and Curriculum development
Brief Description:  Founded in 1943, ASCD (doing business as the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) is the global leader in developing and delivering innovative programs, products, and services that empower educators to support the success of each learner.

Society for Applied Learning Technology
Brief Description:  Founded in 1972, membership in the Society for Applied Learning Technology® is oriented to professionals whose work requires knowledge and communication in the field of instructional technology. It is a professional society, designed for individual membership participation with classes of membership keyed to the interest and experience of the individual. The Society provides a means to enhance the knowledge and job performance of an individual by participating in Society sponsored meetings, and through receiving Society sponsored publications. It enables one to achieve knowledge for work in the field of applied learning technology by association with other professionals in conferences sponsored by the Society.

International Society of Learning Sciences
Brief Description:  The International Society of the Learning Sciences is a professional society dedicated to the interdisciplinary empirical investigation of learning as it exists in real-world settings and to how learning may be facilitated both with and without technology.

Open & Distance Learning Association of Australasia
Brief Description:  ODLAA is a professional association of educators, instructional designers, educational researchers, education consultants, and administrators from across Australia and overseas that is dedicated to advancement of research, practice, and support of education ‘across time and space’. ODLAA connects professionals in order to share experiences and disseminate information with respect to open and distance learning. Our members come from all educational sectors plus commercial training providers and training units in the corporate sector. They are involved in management, administration, design, development, research and teaching in multiple modes that may best be described as ‘outside the traditional classroom’.

Organizational Development Network
Brief Description:  The Organization Development Network is an international, professional association whose members are committed to practicing organization development intentionally and rigorously as an applied behavioral science. Guided by clearly-articulated core values, principles of practice, and ethical standards, the OD Network is committed to advancing the practice and theory of organization development by cultivating and serving those who aspire to effective, successful OD practice, and by representing the field of OD by promoting more visibility, credibility, and influence for its members.


WWWDEV-L is a list that originates in Canada and serves academics and practitioners who are seeking answers to design and development questions related to Web-based training and online learning. To be included, send an e-mail to LISTSERV@UNB.CA with the following, and only the following, in the body of the message: SUBSCRIBE WWWDEV


Open Access

  1. The International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Education -
  2. Journal of Online Education -
  3. Electronic Journal of e-Learning -
  4. Journal of Literacy and Technology -
  5. Journal of Online Teaching and Learning -
  6. First Monday -
  7. Language Learning & Technology -
  8. CALL-EJ:
  9. JALT CALL: 
  10. IALLT:   
  11. JDL: 
  12. Online Learning:
  13. AJET: 
  14. JETS 
  15. JIME: 
  16. JLT: 
  17. JIOL: 
  18. JDE: 
  19. EJEL: 
  20. JITP: 
  21. Educational Designer:
  22. JOLT: 
  23. KMEL:    
  24. JEO: 
  25. JELKS: 
  26. KAIROS: 
  27. iJAC:
  28. IJELLO: 
  29. IRRODL: 
  30. ALT RLT: 
  31. IJIM: 
  32. TOJDE: 
  33. TOJET: 
  34. JITE: IIP
  35. JITE:R 
  36. JRTE: 
  37. TEWT: 
  38. EuroDL: 
  39. Innovate: (only accessible via
  40. IJET:
  41. OpenPraxis:
  42. SiSAL Journal -
  43. CJLT:
  44. International Defense Training Journal  -

Closed Access via a Library

  1. British Journal of Educational Technology
  2. CALICO Journal (language learning & technology focus)
  3. Computers & Education
  4. Educational Media International
  5. Education and Information Technologies
  6. Education, Communication & Information
  7. Educational Technology Research & Development
  8. Journal of Visual Literacy
  9. Journal of Educational Technology & Society
  10. Performance Improvement Quarterly
  11. Classroom Computer Learning
  12. Instructional Innovator
  13. Internet and Higher Education
  14. Learning & Learning with Technology
  15. Journal of Staff Development
  16. Harvard Business Review
  17. Learning & Motivation
  18. Learning & Instruction
  19. Learning, Media & Technology
  20. Learning & Training Innovations
  21. Technology & Culture
  22. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
  23. Interactive Learning Environments
  24. ReCALL - the journal of EuroCALL
  25. System (Language Learning & Educational Tech journal)


Campus Technology -
Chief Learning Officer -
eLearn Magazine -
Learning Solutions Magazine -
ASTD Learning Circuits
Training Magazine -
EdTech Managazine -
Training Industry Magazine -
Creative Academic -


eLearning Guild Newsletter -
Brandon Hall Research -
OLC Newsletter -
The Accidental Trainer -
Darryl Sink Associates Newsletter -
Training Magazine -
Bob Pike Group -
TechSoup by the Cup -


Canvas Network
Desire2Learn Open Courses
Coursesites Open Courses
First Business MOOC
Forum Academy
Complexity Explorer
Iowa State University Open Courses
Stanford University OpenEdX
Graduate Institute
Open University College London eXtend
OpenCourseWorld (German Language)
iMooX (German Language)
iVersity (German & English Language)
OpenHPI (German & English Language)
Neodemia (French Language)
France Universite Numerique (French Language)
uLibre (French Language)
IonisX (French Language)
Polimi  Open Knowledge (Italian Language)
Miriada x(Spanish language)
UPV[x](Spanish Language)
Galileo Telescopio (Spanish Language)
Gacco (Japanese Language)
UniversitePlus (Turkish Language)
Rwaq (Arabic Language)
Edraak (Arabic Language)

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