
Showing posts from February, 2010

Στο Τρέξιμο! (on the run?)

As we all know some expressions don't translate. From now until Spring Break I am, as the Greeks would say, στο τρέξιμο - meaning very very busy! If you've been following my twitter stream, you probably know that I just finished round 2 proof-reading of my capstone project for the Instructional Design degree. I still need to commit the changes to the electronic version, print it out once more, get another set of eyes on it, look at the proposed changes, commit any of those to the electronic version, and then send the file off to the printers for binding. Printing a color version is going to be expensive! Lulu says that even a soft cover perfect-bound printing will be about $30 per book or $40 for a hard cover (and I need at least 2 to give to my advisor, and 1 to keep) Eeek! Of course, I still need to finish the rough draft of the article that I want to publish (based on my Academic communities of practice presentation), I still need to work on the group project due on Marc...

Semiotics - in practice

A while back I had posted a picture of a road sign (probably also from the failblog ) which showed male genitals and a big giant NO to spanking the monkey. At the time I wondered what exactly could have driven the polish government (or private company for that matter since I don't know if this is a national road sign) to create such a prohibition. Was spanking the monkey while driving such a huge problem that it endangered people on the road? Who does that? Anyway, this week on the failblog, a similar photo of a road sign, this time from Italy. This sign warns motorists that there are prostitutes ahead. Now the road seems straight, which means that you won't be coming around a bend and BAM, vehicular accident because of stopped vehicles of people gawking at prostitutes, or because humans at the side of the road showing off their wares. This brings me back to semiotics. I've never studied the topic, however I would LOVE to take a course in semiotics (perhaps once I gradua...

Cold, Hard Empiricism

OK, I figured that since today is a holiday, and yesterday was Valentine's Day, a little humor (courtesy of xkcd) is in order :-)

Outsourcing Language Learning?

I was reading this article on InsideHigherEd the other day about Drake University's "Outsourcing" of language learning. In short they replaced formal classes lead by tenured faculty (or just faculty who had second language acquisition experience) with the following: small discussion groups led by on-campus native speakers, a weekly session with a scholar of the language, a one-semester course on language acquisition and the use of several Web-based learning technologies. In other words, lower paid undergraduate or graduate students from abroad that probably have little experience with actual second language acquisition. I don't doubt that a learner, when immersed in a foreign language and foreign culture situation can pick up conversational skills. For this I would go back to the learning-acquisition hypothesis --> Acquisition being a "natural" and subconscious process of picking up certain information while Learning being a more structured way of pickin...

Week 3 of 13!

OK, so Week 3 of 13 is upon us! This is quite a busy semester! I am working on furiously on proofreading and editing my 100+ page (single space) capstone project - I could trim about 7 pages or so of just pure theory at the beginning, and about 10 pages of justification of why I used certain things in my design document, but that's half the fun of the project ;-) In other areas, weekly article critiques for my sociolinguistics course and almost weekly journal entries from my communications class. I think I've gotten into the groove of these two courses so by Saturday afternoon I can have most work done and enjoy a few hours of TV watching on the weekend. My online class is an unknown at this point since we are a week off from my other classes (so it's actually week 2 of 13 as far as online is concerned), so I guess I have not yet found my rhythm. I have to say that I am enjoying my face to face classes (sociolinguistics and communications theory) MUCH more than I had antic...

Where to go for food?

When I was an undergraduate, and I had more disposable income, I did actually spend a lot of my disposable income in eating out. As a grad student (with considerably less disposable income), I tend to bring food from home. The above comic put a smile on my face because it reminded me both of my undergrad days and the current grad days. I have to say that the "cost" curve on this is a little off for my day to day reality. Packing food from home is at least 5 time cheaper than the cafeteria food ;-)

Liars, Damned Liars and Statisticians

Pretty funny! (I wonder if the writer was looking at the Massachusetts Elections when creating this)