Semester half-point!
It feels a bit like I've had my nose close to the grind stone for the past few weeks. I looked at my blog to see when was the last time I blogged about class, and it was close to 20 days ago. In semester-terms I think that counts as "forever-ago". To some extent it feels like a great weight has been lifted. The first (of two) major papers is completed and delivered (awaiting marking and feedback), and the presentation on Discourse Analysis as a research method is done as well. I suppose I could have waited until March (a couple of weeks later) to present, but nothing like a little pressure to gain the benefits of front-loading work, and enjoy the benefits of getting a leg up on subsequent assignments. Doing a presentation on Discourse Analysis was actually quite a lot of fun. While I had gone through materials on DA before, I have wanted to read some of Jim Gee's work on DA (considering the one degree of separation that he has with our department)...