EDDE 806 - Post IX - About that 'in-process' presentation...
Yesterday evening I presented where I currently am in my dissertation proposal. I am not sure if Susan was joking or not about 2, 3, 4 years being the 'in process' time to get a dissertation done and defended, but I certainly hope that it's not that long! I am aiming for May 2019 at the latest for mine. That said, earlier this week I did a few dry runs for the presentation I did last evening, and one of them I recorded. From a timing perspective it's in the ballpark of what I was aiming for (23 minutes). I have heard that dissertation proposal defenses and dissertation defenses (the presentation portion) are about 20-30 minutes so I wanted to keep that in mind. This recorded version is a little rough (it was a try out after all), but it gives you an idea of what my current thoughts are on the matter. What do you think? I know it's just a window into the mind of this project, but any thoughts would be helpful as I am drafting this beast :) As an...