Course Design Should Cost Zero...or not.

A bit of a kerfulle happened a few weeks ago, and it's just indicative of how the rest of life is going what I've had this post in draft form for almost a month while I've plugged away at it... Annnyyywhoooo🙄 The kerfuffle was kicked off by Wiley's Open Educational Language Models initial post describes OELM as bring together a collection of openly licensed components that allow an openly licensed language model to be used easily and effectively in support of teaching and learning. In his follow up post, Wiley is open pondering/brainstorming about OELMs, Wiley discusses a separation of form from content, similar to how text on the web is separated from the formatting CSS layer . Wiley's original posts are intersting and do provide some points to ponder. I don't necessarily agree in whole with what he proposes, but I can see a grain of something interesting there, and certainly worth pondering and discussing. Maybe I've gotten a bit more "get o...