INS DSG 619: First post

The inaugural post for INS DSG 619: Design and Instruction of Online Courses

1. What made you want to take this course?

I thought that this course looked pretty interesting. I believe that I can use what I learn in the class for both current work requirements and for hobbies. I think I will be able to use the material at work to create online classes that deal with library related training - this is the work aspect.  One of my interests is teaching Greek online, either in a synchronous or an asynchronous manner - this is the hobby aspect (haven't quite figured out if I want to do this full time, and if so, how to do it).

2. What are three things that anyone who knows you, knows about you?

The three things that people who know me know about me are:
1. I am fluent in Greek
2. I work for the UMass Boston Library
3. This is my second semester in the ID program 


Tony Joachim said…
Hey there, Apostolos.

Seem to be more than a few of us library folk in this program. Are you on the techie end of things for your job?

Bob said…
Can you read Koine Greek? Just wondering...I had to take 3 qtrs while in seminary.
@tony I've had a few different formal job, and quite a few informal as you may imagine ;-) I was mostly on the tech end of things for the past couple of years, and now I am on the training side. Of course I've done my share of circulation and reference :-)

I can indeed read koine. Some words are archaic, but so many years of church going as a kid enabled me to understand what is on paper (slowly nut surely). Koine to Greeks sounds like reading Chausser to English speakers.
Mitchell said…

A few weeks ago, I was asked to train a group using a power point presentation created by someone else. Needless to say, the eminent death by power point is in the future of many trainees.

When people come to me for help with PowerPoint I spend 1/3 of the time showing them how to do the wacky motions, and 2/3 of the time on style. Maybe it's because I am dealing with undergraduate students, but most people forget about the style and go for the wacky motion...

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