DS106 - hmmm...to participate or not?

The other day I was talking about digital storytelling with some colleagues and I decided to recommend Ds106, the digital storytelling MOOC that ran last year. The material is still all out there, so people could still take it as OER and just self-pace through the material.  Last year I was in a bit of MOOC overload, with LAK11, CCK11, MobiMOOC, eduMOOC and Change that I didn't have much time to add Ds106 to the list (after all, CCK and MobiMOOC were both in Spring, at the same time as DS106).

In any case, I went to the website and I saw that DS106 is running again this spring! Sure I have a few research projects on the stove, and I will be keeping a eye out on Change11, but it might be worth following along DS106. I see it as a good excuse to get my hand dirty and do some digital storytelling work that I can then learn from an incorporate into my instructional design.  The schedule for the course looks interesting and not that "heavy."   DS106 should be interesting. Anyone take it last year?  What did you think?

This reminds me. I said I would start learning some iOS programming last September and I never started...Maybe I will push that off until summer 2012 - that can be my project for summer learning ;-) I would start in spring, but between DS106, potentially auditing an Italian course on campus (spoken Italian) and a couple of conference things due in March, my plate will be full!


Stay away from ds106, they are all cultists and weirdos.
Stay away from Jim Groom, he can't be trusted. DS106 however you should absolutely definitely participate in!
LOL, I guess it's too later for me now ;-)  I already joined the cult :p

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