What? DS106 started already?!

Hmmm...I was glancing over at my calendar telling me to work on DS106 the other day (an alarm that I set last spring for this summer), and I decided to head on over to DS106 and check it out...only to find out that it had started already (week 4 if I am not mistaken).  Oh well.  I missed the boat but not by much!

So, this time I will take a queue from a few of my MOOC acquaintances and set goals.  I realize that I don't have enough time to partake in the full DS106 experience, so my goals for this summer, with regard to DS106, are the following:

  • June: Every Tuesday and Thursday complete a Daily Create (to be posted on my tumblr photoblog)
  • July: Every Tuesday and Thursday complete a Daily Create (to be posted on my tumblr photoblog)
  • August: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday complete a Daily Create (to be posted on my tumblr photoblog)

If this goes well, in September I will undertake 2 assignments...and re-evaluate from there :)

I am curious about MineCraft, having heard all the great things I've heard about it, but no time to actually jump in and play.  I still need to get into iOS development...one of my goals for last September...which I never started....oh well :-)


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