MobiMOOC 2012 | Final Week!

This is it! The final week of MobiMOOC is upon us!  I have to say that this MOOC really passed by so quick that it was really hard to keep up with it :-) Last year's mobimooc seemed like it was much longer than 6 weeks (in a good way), and this year's mobimooc seemed shorter than the 3 weeks that it runs.

Comparatively, I think last year I joined the mobimooc with the intention to be a moderately active participant, and I ended up being "memorably" active, while this year I started with the intention of being memorably active...but I guess I'll have to settle for moderately active :-) .  There were a few issues, for me anyway, with this year's mobimooc - and most of them were around scheduling.  In April and May (original MobiMOOC) courses are near the end (or have already ended), so there is a little more head space to participate in the MOOC.

In September, however, the story is a bit different. Courses are just starting, there is an initial crazyness as you try to help new and returning students with what they need to be successful...and of course we are migrating from Blackboard Vista to Learn.  Not a lot of time for professional development. For me, personally, it seems like  September, January, and February are no good months for professional development.

The other thing that I was pondering the other day were my expectations from this MOOC. I am a person who thrives on seeing others participate and then jumping in participating myself.  While I initially was a proponent of the breakout rooms (the separate google groups for the different weekly topics),  I ended up feeling a bit constrained because there wasn't a ton of discussion in the breakout rooms (as compared to the main forum during week 1).

All things considered, I liked mobimooc, I learned a lot (again), and I am thankful to Inge for organizing, and the subject experts who moderated each week and shared their expertise with us.  I look forward to MobiMOOC 3 - and I am curious to see the learning innovations that will come from having had the MobiMOOC and MobiMOOC 2012 experience under Inge's belt :-)

What are your experiences with MobiMOOC?


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