Don't close the doors yet - OLDSMOOC has one more thing!
I got an email the other day that I was awarded a badge on OLDSMOOC (one of the peer reviewed badges), which prompted me to go into Cloudworks to see if there were any more peers that needed evaluating. I had already completed one peer review ( see here for the first one) so why not complete a second one? It turns out that Itana Gimenes had submitted all her materials for the Learning Designer badge, so I decided to have a look and see what sort of review or feedback I could give her :) Itana's course design revolves around Agile Software Engineering, something that brings me back to my MBA days when I was working on my IT concentration. Back then we briefly touched upon Agile methodology since it was new, but now it's much more prevalent. In any case, I found it interesting that she was wondering (scrutinizing her own design in Week 2) the type of support learners would get so that they could both learn and have a realistic (authentic?) experience in Agile Method...