Time flies when you are having fun

I just realized that it's been a while since I've posted something on here. I guess compared to other blogs I am still a regular poster, but I'd like to post more often.  Well, here I am!  I guess time flies when you are having fun, and getting over a cold (have we found a cure for that yet?)

This month has been a crazy month, in addition to the day job, and my part time teaching gig (which is a lot of fun; there are lots of bright people I have the privilege to have in my class), I was:
  • facilitating a MOOC Basics workshop for the Sloan Consortium which was a lot of fun
  • presented a poster on MOOCs in higher education (free download in PDF) at NERCOMP 2013
  • moderated a panel discussion on building MOOCs with my colleagues (again at NERCOMP 2013)
  • finished off a book chapter with a colleague on blended learning
  • and still chipping away at the Twitter participation in MOOCs paper analysis with the MRT.
I was a bit bummed that I couldn't really participate more in NERCOMP this year due to my cold, and that I couldn't go to AAAL (Austin was a bit far for me). Maybe next year :)

In any case, the month isn't over year and I am prepping my next steps:
  • Presenting at a local conference on our Blended experiment
  • Moderating a panel discussion on our MOOC building (same conference)
  • Working on a book chapter with some of the MRT team, on Ubiquitous learning
  • and finally finishing off that MOOC+Twitter article.
I am also currently working on a paper/article version of my poster.  The one problem I have is that it seems like the information is mostly out there, so it's not really "new" knowledge if you are in the know. Rather, it's a synthesis of the current zeitgeitst around MOOCs.  I have an issue with this.  I know that synthesis are valuable to many people, but by writing synthesis articles feel like I am contributing minimally to the overall discussion.  What do you all think?


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