Yay! Linguistics MOOCs!

Well, now we're talking! ;-)

I came across two MOOCs that are related to (one of) my subject(s) of study :-)  The first MOOC comes to us from Germany, although it looks like it will be conducted in English, and it's the Phonetics, Phonology and Transcription MOOC from the Virtual Linguistics Campus. I am actually quite psyched about this MOOC for several reasons:
  • Phonetics and Phonology is something I've been wanting to undertake for a while, but haven't had the time;
  • It uses a platform that I have not seen before, so I am curious on the technical end;
  • It comes from a Non-English speaking country (I am interested in academic production in other languages, and how they are represented in MOOCs).

Here is the intro video for the course:

The second MOOC is LTMOOC (language teaching MOOC) which tackles the topic of blended language teaching. This probably won't be new to me (like the phonetics MOOC), but I signed up nevertheless because I am curious about the platform that they will be using, and I want to see what they say about blended language learning.  This (blended language learning) is something I worked on for my Master's Thesis/Capstone a few years back with a project I called greek for travelers. :-)

So, who is enough of a language geek to join me in these MOOCs? :-)


Vance Stevens and a number of ESL instructors from his Webheads group will be taking the course

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