Perspectives on Late point deductions
I guess is teaching preparation time! These past few weekends I've been going through my online course, updating due dates for assignments, and slowly starting to make the changed to the various modules that I had scribbled down as the course was in progress last spring. It's still up in the air as to whether or not the class will run so I am thinking of applying for an assistantship for this fall semester. In any case, in preparation for this course (if it runs) I've signed up for a variety of MOOCs on Coursera and on that deal with the subject of teaching online. I figure that this is a good opportunity for me to get some professional development, but also to discover any materials that I was unaware of. This way I can share these materials with my students (the course is about course design and teaching online). My Pocket reader had filled with a lot of reading to go through and evaluate. As I was reading some of the materials this one stood out...