Ready for Campus Technology!

Well, the count down has begun for Campus Technology (and AAEBL) 2015 :-)  I am looking forward to this conference!  I just got a press release about the keynote speakers of the conference (pasted after this message).  The names are ones that I don't recognize, but the institutions seem pretty interesting.  I bet I will most likely have some snarky tweets, but I'll do my best to take the snarkyness (especially when it comes to MOOCs).

Higher-Ed Conference Attendees to Connect with Nationally Acclaimed Tech Leaders

BOSTON – Higher education technology leaders will gather at Campus Technology (CT) 2015 in Boston July 27-30 to share their experiences and strategies for innovating colleges and universities across the country. Throughout the four-day conference, these five keynote speakers will equip attendees with the tools they need to lead their campus innovation and vision: Beth PorterPaul LeBlancShawn NasonJordan Brehove and William Perry.         

The annual CT conference invites CIOs, instructional designers, campus IT administrators and faculty members from private, public, community and online colleges and universities across the country to listen to and engage with industry experts as they discuss the latest technology trends.
“Every year we work to assemble the leaders who are driving the industry because we want attendees to know the future of collegiate IT,” said Mike Eason, CT General Manager. “This year’s keynote speakers provide everything from profound experiences to next-generation ingenuity.”

Porter, edX Vice President, will discuss the edX evolution and impact. Porter leads the strategy, development and implementation of edX’s product roadmap and has spent her career envisioning and developing computer-enabled and online teaching and learning experiences.

LeBlanc, Southern New Hampshire University President, will offer a broad look at the dramatic changes in higher education and outline an approach to innovation and institutional reinvention. LeBlanc is innovating higher education with College for America, a new program that replaces the three-credit course system with self-paced exams and 120 core competences.

Nason, Xavier University CIO, and Brehove, MakerBot Vice President of Professional Services, will discuss the emergent role of 3D printing in higher education. Nason and Brehove will reference the use of 3D printing at Xavier University with the deployment of a MakerBot Innovation Center as a means to address some of higher education’s biggest questions.

Perry, California State University Chief Information Security Officer, will discuss the history of cyber-attacks, how they occur and what IT leaders can do to manage incidents and decrease their risk to organizations. As Chief Information Security Officer, Perry manages the system for the largest public higher education institution in the world. 

For more information regarding conference keynote speakers, registration packages, sessions, speakers, workshops and general conference details, Join the conversation by following the conference on Twitter (@CT_Events) and using and searching the hashtag#CampusTech. For even more CT updates, “like” Campus Technology Events on Facebook and join the Campus Technology Events LinkedIn group. View CT 2014 session videos on the Campus Technology Events YouTube channel.


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