What MOOCs can do for the traditional classroom

Back at the tail end of 2013 I had written a two part article, which I aimed to pitch to Learning Solutions Magazine. However, if memory serves me correct, the MOOC craze had been waining a bit, and corporate MOOCs weren't really talked much about; even today I would argue that corporate MOOCs are a non-starter - many seem to confuse and conflate a MOOC with self-paced eLearning.

In any case, due to this cooling off on MOOC interest, and a directorial change (again, from what I recall) I don't think this two-part article was accepted.  The articles were stuck in suspension in my Google Docs account merrily forgotten, until I started looking for other documents yesterday and I stumbled upon them. I am not sure how much use these still are, but I thought I would publish them anyway ;-)

Part I of What MOOCs can do for the traditional online classroom can be found here, and part II here.  I've also embedded part I in this post.


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