One more thing!
... No seriously! I swear! This will be the last thing I read and then I will start to write my literature review ;-) I am back up for some air. When I originally made my plans last May to have the fall semester be the semester that I focused on the literature review part of my dissertation proposal I sort of envisioned a lot of reading. Reading on the train. Reading on the weekends. Reading while walking (through text to speech), reading while driving (also through TTS). My goal was to put pen to paper (figuratively speaking) on November 30th. Well, that date has come and gone and I still haven't put pen to paper yet. And, I am still reading. A couple of times I've actually come close to being done reading - having my "to read" folder on dropbox empty and all things read, skimmed, or otherwise evaluated for usefulness for my proposal. When I've come down to 10 items somehow the folder magically populates again. Well......