Campus deadzones, and creepy hallways: where did everyone go?
Found image on Google (not actually a photo of me) Happy Friday dear readers! (umm...anyone still there? I swear! I am alive! 😆) I've been attempting to write a blog post all week (and trying to do the 10 minutes of writing per day), but I've been failing on that account...I guess Fridays are a better day as things wind down from the week. In any case, there is an article from the Chronicle that's been on my mind this week titled "Our Hallways are too quiet". Our department chair sent this to us (everyone in the department) as a thought piece, perhaps something to ponder and discuss in the fall - probably because our department is also like the department that is described in the article. I had a variety of cognitive and emotional processes go off, and get gears grinding while I was reading this. I actually hadn't noticed that the author was from MIT...who only recently "discovered" online learning (like Columbus discovering the New W...