Congrats to the MobiMOOC research group!

Congrats to everyone in the MobiMOOC research group for getting the  Best Paper Award at the mLearn 2011 conference!  In addition to myself, the team is made up of  (alphabetical order):  Sean C. AbajianInge deWaardMichael Sean GallagherRebecca HogueNilgün Özdamar Keskin, and Osvaldo Rodriguez .

A big thank you to Rebecca, Michael and  Nilgun for representing our team at mLearn in Beijing (wish I could have gone but oh well, looking forward to meeting the rest of the team in person one of these days :-)  )  I wonder if the presentation was video recorded.

Inge has uploaded our paper at for anyone who is interested and the conference slides up on SlideShare (link bellow).

I have to say that I really enjoyed working collaboratively with the MobiMOOC research team both on this project and on projects we are currently working on. While there is still place for solo-research activity, I think that research is strengthened by having a diverse group of people come together for a common goal.


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