#bonkOpen week 2 - did things get quieter...or is it me?

It seems like things have shaken out a bit on #bonkOpen for week 2. There seems to be way fewer threads in Week 2 as compared to Week 1. This isn't a big deal for me, my initial plan of looking for 10 interesting threads and following and replying to them is still intact. Now, if in Week 3 (this week) we have fewer than 10 threads...then I will have to re-think my initial strategy for participation.

Week 3, instead of readings, has a number of videos by Curtis Bonk. Each video is about 10 minutes, and there are five or six of them - so you could just seem them all in about an hour. I've gone through half of them thus far. This is making me wonder two things: Were the videos planned as part of Week 3 from the get-go? Or were they a change of strategy once some people complained about the amount of reading that they had to do (by taking part in this voluntary learning opportunity!) The other thing that it makes me wonder is this: In Week 1, the synchronous session seemed like the lecture session for the readings. Since we got the lecture in these videos...what's going to be the focus of this week's synchronous session?

I've said this before, and I will say it again: I am not a big fan of synchronous. If there are other vehicles to accomplish the same thing, I will go asynchronous. Now that I have access to Elluminate Publish I do download the recorded sessions just to catch up, during my commutes, but I don't see as much value in them.

One last thing I wonder is this (and it has to do with my own MOOC plans). If a MOOC is hosted in an LMS, any LMS, it doesn't have to be blackboard, how do you best incorporate the discussion forums and other affordances of an LMS, with the affordances of the Downes/Siemens MOOC - gRSShopper, capturing all delicious and diigo bookmarks, all tweets with a certain hashtag, and all of the blogs, with a certain hashtag. I haven't seen a good way to do this yet, and I am interested in how to best accomplish this. I like the Downes/Siemens approach with gRSShopper, but I think that it may not be as accessible as using an LMS. Then again, and LMS can be restricting...



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