MOOCMOOC: the micro-mooc

Well, MOOCMOOC starts today, and while #change11 was an experiment in the massiveness of a MOOC both in terms of registered users and in terms of length (36 weeks), MOOCMOOC seems to be an experiment in how small a MOOC can be.
I heard about the MOOC from the usual suspects, and while I do have my doubts about MOOCMOOC, I signed up (a glutton for punishment? Or curious soul? You decide). The point of MOOCMOOC is to explore what a MOOC is, in thir own words:

In this week-long experimental online course, we'll be investigating exactly what it means to participate in, create, and even envision a MOOC (massive open online course). We'll be questioning what a MOOC is, how useful this educational format can be, and the new and innovative opportunities toward which it points.

The daily topics include:

  • discussing/brainstorming about what a MOOC is ("a mooc by any other name" type of thing)

  • xMOOC, cMOOC an communities of learning

  • pedagogy, and pedagogy in MOOCs

  • learning outcomes and assessment in MOOCs

  • your plans for your own MOOC

  • reflections in learning

Don't get me wrong, I think that these are important topics to explore, theorize and test, but a micro-MOOC doesn't seem to be the right format. First, as Rebecca pointed out, you really need time to actually read, reflect and post (and have others read, reflect and post about what you posted). The time allowed for each topic is barely enough to read and reflect, much less have a meaningful conversation and debate about the topic.
It seem, to me, that this μMOOC (micro MOOC) is built around the workshop model, where there is a subject matter expert at th helm who directs and supervises a highly intensive learning experience (although very rarely have I gotten a ton out of highly compact workshops, personally speaking). This, to me anyway, seems fundamentally oppositional to what MOOCs are. We'll see!
The final fly in the ointment seems to be timing. Let's assume that we can get all these things done, it's almost th beginning of the semester (or the school year if you are in K-12). People who are the audience for this MOOC are busy and probably don't have the time to make this MOOC as successful as it could be.
I think this MOOC may be the first MOOC where is am going in as a lurker. :-)


Thanks for your thoughts on MOOC MOOC. You are, of course, welcome to lurk. We hope that even in lurking the experience will be a valuable one. We did position this MOOC as a sort of anti-MOOC, especially in that it questions the ideas behind MOOCs, including some of our preconceived notions of how long a MOOC needs to be, how large a MOOC needs to be, etc. However, as teachers, we've also found that a fast and furious pace can sometimes result in much more creativity and innovation than can a slow and thoughtful speed. We know we're a little insane to have put this together the way we have -- and we're all teachers, too, so participation for us will be a challenge as much for everyone else -- but we believe there could be some pretty great spontaneous results.

I look forward to seeing more of your thoughts as MOOC MOOC continues!
Even those of us at Hybrid Pedagogy who have helped to organize the micro MOOC share your concerns about time compression. I think rather than answering questions, what this exercise might do is help us to begin answering them. I think it will also be helpful in connecting people interested in the subject--including the Hybrid Pedagogy team--with those who are more expert--people like you--so that we can continue the conversation after the micro MOOC ends. In this brief burst of activity, we can hopefully build a repository of resources and launch several strands of conversation/exploration that will have a useful afterlife. I don't know how much directing or supervising will take place. Instead, I see our goal as staging an opportunity for engagement with the subject matter and helping to organize some strategies for engagement. Thank you for participating and contributing, and I hope to read more here as the week progresses!

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