Open Teaching - the Expansion Pack

Welcome to the Expansion Pack for the Open Teaching week of #ioe12 :-)  Here are some additional resources for open teaching.

Peer Reviewed Articles
Koutropoulos, A., Gallagher, M.S., Abajian, S.C., deWaard, I., Hogue, R., Keskin, N., Rodriguez, O. Emotive Vocabulary in MOOCs: Context & Participant Retention. EuroDL: The European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning. 2012/I.

A little self-promotion here ;-)  This is a recent article that the MobiMOOC Research Team (or MRT for short) researched at the tail end of last year.  We wanted to see if language use of participants while interacting in a MOOC gave some indication as to whether participants would be more likely to participate in subsequent weeks of the MOOC or not.  We did not find any correlation, however we did have some interesting participation results (reported in the paper) and we propose some further research.  This paper would be in a Learning Analytics type of publication as well because we were looking (more broadly) to explore participation in MOOCs which influences how facilitators and designers of a MOOC design and run a MOOC.

deWaard, I., Koutropoulos, A., Keskin, N.O., Gallagher, M.S., Abajian, S.C., Hogue, R., Rodriguez, C.O. (2011) Exploring the MOOC format as a pedagogical approach for mLearning. mLearn 2011: 10th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning p. 138-148

Another small self-promotion spot here. This was our first MRT paper (which won an award at the conference, woohoo!). In this paper we were exploring the MOOC format as an approach to teaching about mLearning.  It was a pretty interesting MOOC, and a nice paper to write.  In this paper we also talked a bit about the demographic information of participants (which might be of interest to others who might want to run a MOOC).

Rodriguez, C. O. (2012). MOOCs and the AI-Stanford like Courses: Two Successful and Distinct Course Formats for Massive Open Online Courses. EuroDL: The European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning. 2012/II.

This is a paper by a fellow MRT member who is comparing and contrasting "c-MOOC"s (original MOOCs) and MOOCs that are under the Coursera/EDx/Udacity model.  It is pretty interesting to read considering that not all MOOCs are the same, and people thinking about Open Teaching might want to consider the different models out there.

Web Resources
What's Wrong with MOOCs (eLearnSpace)
This is an interesting blog post by George Siemens on his concerns about MOOCs.  It is a pretty interesting read (and it has a substantial amount of comments beneath it) because one of the originators of the MOOC format talks openly about his concerns about the format.  Who says that MOOC's can't evolve? ;-)

This was a pretty interesting post on the Chronicle on MOOCs (and quite a lively discussion afterwards!) and about teaching in MOOCs.  What seemed interesting to me is that this article tackles MOOCs from a traditional pedagogy stance, while, I think, we need to rethink pedagogy a bit because traditional pedagogy (even traditional online pedagogy) won't work in a MOOC environment.

MobiMOOC (upcoming MOOC)
A little more advertising for MobiMOOC. This is a MOOC around mLearning, and it's scheduled to run again in 2012 in September.  Have a look!  You may want to see how a MOOC that runs on Wikispaces and Google Groups compares to other MOOCs.

CHFE12 (upcoming MOOC)
This is a MOOC that will be hosted by George Siemens in October of 2012.  I do believe that this MOOC will run in some sort of traditional LMS. My first MOOC was in Moodle, and it was interesting to acclimate to the format in a familiar (LMS) environment.  This could be a good MOOC to take in the fall both for the content and the place it's offered.

Introduction to Games MOOC (video intro to a summer 2012 MOOC)
Finally, this is a MOOC on games and gamification that took place this summer.  It was both an interesting MOOC in terms of content, but also interesting because it used Shivtr, a platform used for gaming communities and guilds.  It was pretty interesting to be able to "gain" status by having certain titles (like the "Herald").  I suppose we will get more into this with Open Accreditation :-)


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