Evaluation, some parting thoughts (#oldsmooc)
Today is a new day, and a new topic in OLDSMOOC. Well, not so much a topic as a winding down on the learning process that has been occurring in this MOOC. On the topic of evaluation , there was an interesting discussion on the Google Group: is it the life blood of learning design or the bane of our existence? My, short, response was as follows: I think that there is a happy medium between the two. I do believe that evaluation and iteration (based on evaluation findings) are at the core of good learning design, but, by the same token, I do believe that there are people that can take it to the extreme. This then, can become, that tax (or smelly cod oil as someone else put it) in the learning design. I think that if there isn't adequate evaluation (formative and summative) then a lot of learning design efforts can go to waste. We are not perfect beings (no matter how much we may think we are ;-) ), so we will not be getting something right on the first try. Evaluation ...