Change the PhD

This post is only peripherally related to Rhizomatic Knowledge (so you can skip it if you want ;-)   )

Yesterday evening I was looking over my twitter stream and I saw a post re-tweeted by George Siemens on what to say when someone asks you "should I do a PhD?" This post got me thinking (again) about the differences between a US (or perhaps a North American) PhD program and a UK PhD program.  In the US (and I assume Canada?) PhD programs (that I've looked at anyway) seem to be like a Masters++.  Most programs (again the ones that I have explored) are around 60 credits (which is about the equivalent of 2 Masters Degrees), which include required coursework, elective courses, research methodology courses and a dissertation.  If you enter the PhD program with a Masters degree in the field you can get some coursework waived (but how much is waived is really up to institutional policies).

By contrast a UK PhD, at least my understanding of it from when I was looking at PhD and D.Phil programs in the UK, is much more loosely structured. You apply to the program with a dissertation proposal in hand, so your application evaluation is also an evaluation of your research/dissertation proposal. There are no required courses that every student has to take but rather in consultation with your advisers you do individuals tutorials where you weak areas are assessed and an IEP (individualized educational program) is formed based on both your weak spots and topics that would be useful to your dissertation research.  If you happen to come into the PhD program with a weakness in research methods then you do a one year bootcamp in research methods, you get an M.Phil in research methods, and then you start your PhD work.

While I think that a cohort for PhD programs is a nice thought, think of it as strength in numbers and having a group to bounce ideas off, I am starting to think that the american PhD system is too mechanized, too homogenized and industrialized.  Everyone does (almost) the exact same thing, and even when it comes to electives you only have a limited choice. I think that this tends to prolong PhD programs and it takes some of the creativity out of the PhD.  Also, by entering a PhD without a dissertation proposal in hand it means that you don't start working on your dissertation until after your second year. In many cases (again from programs that I've looked at) the Dissertation Proposal doesn't even come into the picture until after you've passed your qualifying exams.

I think it's time to change our PhD program - not by making them shorter and les rigorous, but rather making them shorter by not treating every PhD student the same - having a IEP for each PhD student, and having them come into a PhD program with a dissertation proposal in hand and approved means that individual tutorials can be more effective and the end (dissertation) is always in mind throughout the curriculum.

your thoughts?


I relate to your comments, AK. I'm from Holland and I don't know exactly how it works there, but it is definitely different from the US and Canada (where I live now).  In Holland I barely knew people with a PHD, in northern America it is unreal how many I know. And do they impress me? So far: No! Obviously there is a big difference in levels in countries re. PHD's.....
Some UK PhD courses are taught - for the most part, i.e. there are a set number of taught modules and then the dissertation. Jeffrey Keefer is doing one of these at Lancaster University in the UK -

Then there's the type of PhD that you mention where people work on their dissertation from Day 1 with or without supervision. They are of course supposed to have supervision and I think mostly do - but I think the quality of this supervision can be patchy. Years ago - many years ago - my husband completed his PhD in 2 years without seeing a supervisor!

And then there's PhD by publication. This is not that easy to get accepted for and not all universities offer it.

I think the attraction of a taught course is that it will support you in things like research methods, ethics etc. etc and carefully monitor your progress and provide you with ongoing feedback. The attraction of the PhD where you work on your dissertation from Day 1 is that you have 3 or more years to focus on the topic that really interests you without distraction. The attraction of PhD by publication is that you learn to write and that it's out in the open, so to speak.
Thanks giving me some more to think about :-)  All PhDs I looked into in the UK were of the second variety (start you dissertation right away), while all PhDs in the US were mostly 80% courses you had to take and 20% dissertation.  I did not know about PhD by publication - this was truly new to me :-)
Thanks for bringing up this insight. I am at the tail end of completing my Masters (in Canada) and I have been pondering for years if I would go on to do a PhD. I may only because it (the title only "PhD")  is a "requirement" for some sectors of work that I am ultimately interested in. However.... and yes, it is a BIG however, will it really "give me" anything?

Yes, there are distinct areas that interest me tremendously to study and research but to take "filler courses" (as required in the North American system) "just for the sake of it" does not interest me (life is too short!). Will the degree give me a chance at a higher pay and position? In the work areas I am considering, yes. BUT... is it worth it financially? In the end, spending that long back in school (and having to spend insane amounts of money towards tuition) versus a lesser paying position without the PhD designation yet accumulating the money from earning, I think in the long run, it comes to almost the same thing (yes, life is too short and we are not getting younger with the years).

So where am I going with this? I think it's an individual choice (Personally I am still not completely convinced either way which direction I will take but based on your reflection, it probably will not be where I am today). As for the time for changing the program as it stands in North America... it probably works for some, but I have to wonder like you what changes may need to be made as a result of the upcoming young people who are already using a computer or tablet from the moment they took their first breath of air as they were born.

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